Monday, May 24, 2010

"Feeding 4 under $5 - in a healthy way" Episode 1

So, what is this all about?
I was looking around and saw all these articles on the internet, in magazines and in fliers i got giving American moms advice on how to feed your family for as little money as possible. Except, most of the foods that were suggested were foods like mac and cheese, hot dogs, pasta and sauce from a jar. And so i thought to myself, how much do i on average spend on a meal for us? And i can to the conclusion that it normally is right around $5. This is not including the condiments in that price and when i add things up i consider if i used the whole pack of something or only half when calculating the meal price, but still; feeding 4 for under$5 is a great accomplishment.

So here is my first recipe:

Roasted chicken thighs, carrots and caprese
Cost: $4.50

4 chicken thighs ~ $2.00
1/2lb of carrots ~ $0.50
4 roma tomatoes ~ $1.00
4 slices of mozzarella cheese ~ $1.00 (pack of cheese is around $2.50 with 10 slices so 2.50/10x4=$1.00)

1 tsp basil
4 tsp olive oil
1 tbs butter
2 tsp thyme
1 tsp favorite seasoning

How to: PreHeat oven to 400F. rub 2 tsp of olive oil all over chicken thighs. Place on backing tray and season with favorite seasoning and thyme. Place in oven on middle wrack for 45 minutes.
Cut carrots length wise in half. Then cut in to 1 inch pieces. place in pot and add water so it comes about 1 1/2inch up from pot bottom. add a bit of salt. Cover and cook on medium head for 30 minuted till tender. Check in between that there is enough water so you don't burn the carrots. Once done mix in the butter and serve.
While carrots are cooking slice tomatoes and place on an 8 inch cake pan. Arrange them so that they dont overlap. sprinkle with 2 tsp of olive oil and the basil and add a pinch of salt and pepper as well. tear slices of cheese and lay them on top of the tomatoes. Put them in the oven with the chicken and let them roast for about 15 minutes.
If timed right, the chicken, carrots and tomatoes will be done at the same time. :)

SO where is the pasta or rice? Carrots have carbs in them. So adding them to the meal makes up for the pasta or rice. You have the protein in the chicken, dairy in the cheese and then the tomatoes: you have never had tomatoes like these. the acidity is gone and all you have is a yumminess that melts in your mouth.

This is child tested and they loved it!!!

Sorry that i Don't have a picture. Will add it when i make it again. Made this last week and thought of the 4 under $5 thing while eating it and by then the plate did not look so nice.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chocolate Chip Smile

So i realized that i never posted the cake i made on Gracie's Birthday. I showed you the one that i made for her party, but not the "Chocolate Chip Smile" as she called it.

As most kids, Grace loves cookies. So i made a gigantic chocolate chip/m&m cake for her. Oh and the smile on her face when she realized that she was eating a giant cookie :)

For all you moms out there that are thinking "my kid (or husband) would love this" here is the recipe:
mm-chocolate-chip-cookie-cake recipe

The only thing i would suggest is to reduce it to
3/4 cup packed light brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
because it turned out rather sweet.

I doubled the recipe and put icing in between. Be aware, it is deceiving how much it serves. We ate this cake for 4 or more days.

So, and here are the pictures of the cake: