Friday, May 8, 2009

First ever: gingerbread house

This is one of the first projects I ever made. It's really old school for me, since i made it back in December 2006.This was not an edible cake but Christmas decoration.
I loved it, and it was hard to part with.

I don't remember where i got the recipe from but i remember that the icing glue was made with brown sugar flour and water. It ende
d up getting so rock hard that i could drop the entire house into the trash without it breaking. I think i kept the house till February and then finally got rid of it.

Looking at the picture above you can see a car, chimney, and tree. Those were entire chunks of icing. that would have been so gross to bite into; however the look is fabulous.
I baked 6 squares and then glued the m together with the icing to create the house and roof. Then I covered the entire house with a very thick layer of icing, drew the windows and door on it with a tooth pick and created the chimney directly on the roof. I covered a Plexiglas tray with a thin layer of icing and carefully lifted the house on it. The area surrounded the house was thickly covered with sugar to create the snow affect. Add the created tree and car and a few jelly candies for the finishing touch and wallah, Christmas Deco homemade.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First ever: blog

hi, this is my first blog ever. I cannot promise you a blog every day, however I can promise you that every time i start baking and cooking up amazing creations, you will be the first to know.

I am at the beginning of a long road of perfecting the art of decorating. May it be cupcakes, cakes, cookies, or even plates. All have their unique techniques and styles and i want to learn how to perfect that art.

So please let me know what you think as you accompany me on this journey. :)

In the next few days i will be publishing things that i created in former months. They will be called B.B. (before blog hehe).

But today I want to introduce to you my newest creation. I made this castle for my oldest daughter. She turned three last month.

It took me two days to make. I am very happy with the look of the cake, but I should have listened to my gut that told me to get the more expensive jelly.

It consisted out of almond rolled fondant, vanilla butter icing, vanilla sponge, strawberry pudding, and strawberry jelly.

Everything was yum except the strawberry jelly. It tasted almost fermented.
Yes I tasted it the day before, however I simply assumed that maybe the icing i had just tasted also had made be believe it tasted wired. NOPE! It was nasty.
But no one else seemed to comment. I guess they were so amazed by the look of the cake that they did not really care about the jelly tasting wired.

What do you think of the cake?